You can submit an unstaking transaction at any time. However, it's important to note that there may be a waiting period before the unstaking process is complete for you to claim your assets. This duration is put in place as a precautionary measure to prevent potential malicious activities, and it usually takes 0 to 3 days, depending on the reserves in the contract.
The steps are as follows:
Step 1: Enter the amount and confirm
Enter the amount of stUSDT you wish to unstake or the amount of USDT you wish to receive and confirm the unstaking fee.
Note: The unstaking fee is charged to cover the RWA operating costs. It currently stands at 0.1% of the amount you wish to unstake and is subject to change in the future. Please follow further announcements for updates.
Step 2: Submit the unstaking transaction and sign in your wallet
Click "Unstake" and confirm the transaction details again in the pop-up window before clicking "Confirm", which will take you to sign in your wallet. (The example used below is the TronLink wallet.) After that, wait for 5 to 15 seconds for the transaction to complete.
Step 3: Claim USDT to your wallet
Switch to the "Claim" tab to view more details.
If the unstaking process has been completed, your USDT is ready for claim. You can click "Claim" and sign in your wallet. Usually, you can claim the assets from multiple unstaking transactions with one signature.
If your asset is not yet ready for claim, we kindly ask for your patience. The unstaking process usually takes around 3 days. You can click on "Details" to check details of the unstaking transactions.