By supplying assets on JustLend DAO, you can receive the following two types of rewards:
1)Base jToken rewards
2)Rewards from USDD mining programs
jTokens are the receipts for your supplied assets on JustLend DAO.
The APY of your jToken is based on the utilization rate (U) of the corresponding market at the time.
U = Total Assets Borrowed / Total Assets Supplied
The APY increases with the utilization rate.
For the jToken APY of a market at a specific time, you can click on a token market on the Market page to view Supply Base APY of the market.
For the APY of mining programs, you can click on a token market on the Market page to view Supply Mining APY of the market.
In the Interest Rate Model section of a specific market, you can view the correlation between Supply APY and Utilization Rate. The blue line illustrates the relationship between the APY for supplied assets, including the base APY for jTokens and the mining APY, and changes in the utilization rate. You can move the pointer to view APY levels in respect of different utilization rates.